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Cloud Service

VisionBlox Amazon Web Service AWS


Embrace our cloud service to propel your business into the future, where agility meets innovation, and transformation becomes the cornerstone of success

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cornerstone of modern technology infrastructure, offering a comprehensive suite of cloud computing services worldwide. Its significance lies in unparalleled scalability, reliability, and flexibility, enabling rapid innovation and efficient scaling of operations. AWS provides compute, storage, databases, machine learning, and analytics on-demand with pay-as-you-go pricing. It supports businesses of all sizes, offering highly scalable infrastructure like Amazon EC2 for virtual servers without upfront costs. AWS's global infrastructure spans regions and availability zones, ensuring high availability and fault tolerance. It fosters innovation through an extensive ecosystem of tools and services, enabling developers to focus on building applications. AWS prioritizes security and compliance, with robust features and encryption mechanisms. In conclusion, AWS empowers organizations with scalable, reliable, and secure cloud infrastructure, facilitating growth and success in today's digital economy.

Why Amazon Cloud

Architect Solutions

Designing architectures that utilize AWS services to meet specific client requirements. By considering factors like scalability, reliability, and cost-effectiveness to create robust solutions

Serverless application

Serverless application development offers a highly efficient and cost-effective way to build scalable, event-driven applications without the complexity of managing infrastructure


Integrate AWS services with existing client systems and third-party tools to create seamless workflows. By ensuring  smooth data exchange, communication between components, and interoperability with external systems.

DevOps Automation

Organizations can implement comprehensive DevOps automation practices in their AWS environments, enabling faster, more reliable, and more efficient software delivery.

Cost Optimization

Monitor and optimize AWS costs by analyzing usage patterns, identifying cost-saving opportunities, and implementing cost-effective solutions. By leverage AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Budgets, and cost allocation tags to manage and optimize client's AWS spending

Ensuring Security

Implementing security best practices and compliance standards to protect client data and applications hosted on AWS.


Automate deployment, scaling, monitoring, and maintenance tasks using AWS services like AWS CloudFormation, AWS Code Pipeline, and AWS Lambda. This increases efficiency, reduces manual errors, and accelerates time-to-market for client solutions.

Support and Maintenance

Ongoing support, maintenance, and optimization services to ensure the smooth operation and evolution of the solution over time.

Service Offered



VisionBlox Google Cloud GCP


For scalable solutions and boundless innovation, trust in the limitless possibilities of Google Cloud Platform.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is pivotal in modern technology, offering a diverse range of cloud services tailored for businesses and developers globally. Its significance stems from cutting-edge innovations, such as advanced data analytics, machine learning, and AI capabilities, facilitating rapid development and scalability. GCP provides a robust infrastructure with global coverage, ensuring high availability, fault tolerance, and low-latency performance. With services like Compute Engine, organizations can deploy virtual machines easily and scale resources dynamically based on demand. GCP's extensive data storage solutions, including BigQuery and Cloud Storage, empower businesses to manage and analyze vast datasets efficiently. Furthermore, Google's network infrastructure, including its private global network, enhances reliability, security, and speed for data transfer and processing. GCP fosters innovation through a rich ecosystem of developer tools, APIs, and partnerships, enabling seamless integration and application development. Its commitment to security and compliance is evident through advanced encryption, identity management, and compliance certifications, ensuring data protection and regulatory adherence. Overall, GCP's technical prowess, coupled with its global reach and focus on innovation and security, positions it as a leading choice for organizations seeking scalable, reliable, and cutting-edge cloud solutions to drive their digital transformation.

Why Google Cloud

Compute Engine

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offering providing virtual machines (VMs) for running workloads.Offers flexibility in terms of machine types, operating systems, and configurations.

Cloud Memorystore

Fully managed, in-memory data store service for building and scaling applications.Supports both Redis and Memcached protocols for caching and data storage.

Cloud Functions

Event-driven serverless compute service for building and deploying lightweight functions.Executes code in response to events from various Google Cloud services, such as Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage, and Firestore.

Cloud Composer

Fully managed workflow orchestration service based on Apache Airflow.Allows you to author, schedule, and monitor workflows using a visual interface or code.

App Engine

Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering for building and deploying scalable web applications.Supports multiple programming languages and frameworks, including Python, Java, and Node.js

Cloud Spanner

Globally distributed, horizontally scalable relational database service.Combines the benefits of relational databases with horizontal scalability and strong consistency.


Fully managed, serverless data warehouse for analyzing large datasets using SQL queries.Provides high-speed querying and scalable compute and storage resources.

Cloud IoT Core

Fully managed service for securely connecting and managing IoT devices at scale.Provides device provisioning, authentication, and telemetry ingestion capabilities.

Service Offered



VisionBlox Microsoft Azure


Embrace the power of the cloud with Azure: Where innovation meets scalability, and possibilities become reality.

Microsoft Azure stands as a critical pillar in modern technology infrastructure, providing a comprehensive suite of cloud services tailored to diverse business needs globally. Its importance lies in its robust technical capabilities, including scalable compute resources with services like Azure Virtual Machines and Azure Kubernetes Service, enabling organizations to innovate rapidly and scale efficiently. Azure offers a wide range of storage solutions, such as Azure Blob Storage and Azure Files, facilitating efficient data management and analytics at scale. Its global network of data centers ensures high availability, fault tolerance, and low-latency performance for mission-critical applications. Azure's extensive suite of AI and machine learning services, including Azure Machine Learning and Cognitive Services, empowers businesses to derive insights and make data-driven decisions effectively. Additionally, Azure's hybrid cloud capabilities enable seamless integration between on-premises and cloud environments, providing flexibility and agility in deployment. Azure's commitment to security is evident through advanced encryption, threat detection, and compliance certifications, ensuring data protection and regulatory adherence. With Azure's extensive ecosystem of developer tools, APIs, and partnerships, organizations can accelerate application development and deployment, driving digital transformation and business growth. Overall, Azure's technical prowess, coupled with its global scale, security, and innovation, positions it as a leading choice for organizations seeking scalable, reliable, and cutting-edge cloud solutions.

Why Microsoft Azure

Service Offered




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